I wasn’t there to hear the screams.
I wasn’t there to hear the cries.
I wasn’t there to hear loved ones calling their family members to say goodbye.
I wasn’t there to see the planes.
I wasn’t there to see the towers collapse.
I wasn’t there to see the horrors caused by hate.
But, I have heard the stories.
I have heard the stories of heroes who gave their lives to get others out.
I have heard of what happened and I will never forget.
But just as I will not forget 9/11, I will never forget 9/12.
On this day the nation gathered together.
We were not separated by race, gender, or political beliefs.
We came together as one nation under God.
There was peace.
Stores sold out of American flags.
For one day nothing could divide us.
Can we not unite without a tragedy to bring us together?
Can we not stand together as one people?
Will we really let little things that we cannot change divide us?
Will we step back and let our nation be divided?
The choice is up to us.
Are we one nation under God?
Or are we a divided people pretending to proclaim His name?
A house divided cannot stand.
This nation was founded on Godly principles.
This is our home and we must protect it.